Amazon Quick Product Reports

Amazon, FBM and FBA effortless research tool. Retrieve rank, sales volume, estimated revenue and more directly from the Amazon.


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Product Information at your fingerprints

SKU + Title

See all of the products with their details in a nicely organized table. You can export specific items or all at once.


Research products only from the specific brand or several brands.

Price + Seller Type & Rating

Filter & sort by price, instantly see the type of seller in the buy box (FBA/FBM/3rd Party) and their rating.

Easy to use


See number of variations each product has.


See cloud of all of the categories for the list of products analyzed.

Brand Cloud

See cloud of all of the brands for given products.

Revenue & Sales Data

BSR & BSR Category

For each product we display BSR and corresponding BSR Category. BSR categories also appear in the cloud, to see a bigger picture of distribution amongst these categories.


QPR has algorithm that estimates sales for a given product. This is a self learning algorithm which increases its accuracy each day.

Revenue, FBA Fees & Profit

Quickly see the overall revenue for given product or all products & revenue per sale for all products. FBA fees and FBA Profit calculated from Revenue and FBA fees is also displayed for each product.


Sale Through Ratios

See overall STR for all products or STR only for products that actually had sales.

Average Values

See the average value for each metric for all products.

Product Coverage

Check out the information of coverage (variations, reviews, questions, sales etc.) for all products.

Product Ratings


Check the number of reviews each product has.


See the rating of all products.

Questions & Answers

Filter by number of Q&As for each product.

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